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Marshall Islands fish hooks remote Marshall Islands have fostered a variety of traditional fishing methods, involving many people (ekkonaak, alele), groups (kottoor, jabuk, ittuur), or individuals (tuwa, eojjaak, urok).
I-Kiribati fish hooks fishing practices in Kiribati, especially on the outer islands, continue to thrive. The ocean, seen as a vital source of sustenance and a connection to culture, has profoundly influenced I-Kiribati people.
Fijian fish hooks fishing in Fiji is practiced by both men and women who each have specific roles. As with many Pacific islands, the ocean is a life source and deeply tied to spiritual and cultural practices.
Solomon Islands fish hooks Solomon Islands has many unique and specialised traditional fishing techniques that have been developed and refined over centuries.
Tahitian fish hooks Tahiti, traditional stone fishing serves as a unifying activity for entire villages and, at times, entire islands.
Federated States of Micronesia fish hook Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) is comprised of four states, Chuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei and Yap. Each state has its own unique traditional fishing practices.
A Tribute to Sāmoan men and women of the Mau this tribute to Sāmoan men and women of the Mau, renowned Sāmoan ambassador Fa’agalu Dominic Taeoalii Fonoti shares highlights of his career.
Samoa Day in Sydney 2022 this week, thousands of Sāmoan and Pacific Islander diaspora gather at Liverpool’s Whitlam Centre to celebrate 60 Years of Sāmoan Independence.
Youth Reconnection Project 2022 Australian Museum's Pasifika team have re-trialed the Pacific Youth Reconnection Project to evaluate how we can develop and expand these cultural workshops for Pasifika youth today.
Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru
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