Geological ore deposits
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Geological ore deposits are of many different types and occur in all geological environments.
The main types of geological ore deposits of importance can be divided into:
- metallic deposits
- non-metallic deposits
- fossil fuel deposits
Finding ore deposits
Geologists are always searching for more ore deposits to meet constant demand. This has become more difficult with time as easily accessible ore deposits close to the Earth's surface have already been exploited by humans in the past. Therefore, more complex techniques have been developed to locate new deposits. However, better and more efficient processing techniques now mean that we can exploit ore deposits which were previously uneconomic.
Economic viability of ore deposits
Many factors control the economic viability of an ore deposit but the most important are:
- grade (i.e. amount of metal per ton of rock)
- size of the deposit (i.e. tonnage)
- easy access to infrastructure such as roads and rail for transportation
- current price for the commodity
- demand
Oxidised zones of ore deposits
The region above the water-table in an ore deposit is known as the oxidised zone as it is the zone of oxidation of the primary ore minerals. This oxidised zone is primarily composed of mixtures of iron oxides/hydroxides and quartz which we call gossan.
Most primary ore minerals (particularly the sulfide minerals) are only stable in anaerobic dry environments. With the rise and fall of the water-table and downward percolating rainwater (containing dissolved oxygen), these minerals dissolve and new minerals (oxide zone minerals) are precipitated in the gossan. With the dissolution of sulfide minerals, the water becomes acidic, further enhancing the dissolution of the ore.
Most of the spectacular minerals we see from ore deposits are those formed in the oxidised zone. When the oxidised zone is well developed and the secondary minerals sufficiently concentrated, it is a highly profitable zone to mine as the processing is much cheaper and easier and the metals more concentrated. However, most oxidised zones have been mined in the past because they formed outcrops of easily identifiable stained gossans. The most common minerals found in oxidised zones are:
- Copper: malachite, azurite, chrysocolla
- Gangue minerals: quartz (usually cryptocrystalline), baryte, calcite, aragonite
- Iron: goethite, hematite
- Lead: anglesite, cerussite
- Manganese: pyrolusite, romanechite, rhodochrosite
- Nickel: gaspeite, garnierite
- Silver: native silver, chlorargyrite
- Zinc: smithsonite
Immediately below the oxidised zone is sometimes a zone known as the supergene zone where metals are deposited by fluids percolating downwards from the oxidised zone and concentrating in a narrow band just below the water table. The supergene zone is the richest part of an ore deposit but in many instances, is either only very thin or not developed at all. The most common minerals found in supergene zones are:
- Copper: chalcocite, bornite
- Lead: supergene galena
- Nickel: violarite
- Silver: acanthite, native silver
- Zinc: supergene sphalerite, wurtzite
Classification and types of mineral deposits
Geologists classify mineral deposits in many different ways, according to the:
- commodity being mined
- tectonic setting in which the deposit occurs
- geological setting of the mineral deposit
- genetic model for the origin of the ore deposit
The most commonly used scheme is the genetic classification scheme. These deposits include:
Orthomagmatic deposits are those that form from primary magmatic processes (i.e. magmas). They are hosted in the igneous rocks in which they have formed. Most of the world's nickel, chromium and platinum-group elements are derived from these deposits. The largest deposits of platinum-group elements and chromium come from the 2055 million year old Bushveld Complex of northern South Africa. Orthomagmatic deposits include:
- chromium
- titanium
- iron
- nickel
- copper
- platinum-group elements
- diamonds
Pneumatolytic and pegmatitic deposits are formed from volatile-rich (i.e. rich in water, fluorine, boron) high-temperature fluids emanating from igneous intrusions. Some of these deposits occur as pipe-like bodies or breccia pipes. These are important sources for:
- tin
- rare-earth elements
- tantalum
- beryllium
- lithium
- molybdenum
- tungsten
Hydrothermal deposits cover a wide range of different deposits types but all form from hot circulating water-rich fluids. These include the two main types of gold deposits - epithermal and lode gold deposits along with replacement deposits in calcareous sequences (Mississippi Valley deposits), base-metal vein deposits and replacement skarn deposits
Volcanic or extrusive deposits are associated with volcanic processes and are only found within the volcanic rocks themselves. Important deposits of gold, mercury, antimony, copper and base metals are of this type. The largest deposits of this type are known as kuroko or volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits (commonly abbreviated as VMS deposits). These have formed on the ocean floor by circulating hydrothermal fluids emanating from a volcanic vent which leach metals from the surrounding volcanic rocks. They are currently forming on the sea floor and these are commonly referred to as black smokers.
Remobilisation of ore deposits
As many ore deposits formed many hundreds to thousands of millions of years ago, many have experienced numerous episodes of deformation and metamorphism which left them with few characteristics of their original form. Many of the ore components were remobilised (i.e. moved) either by physical (i.e. deformation) or chemical (i.e. dissolution and precipitation) mechanisms. The Broken Hill lode in far western New South Wales is an excellent example of this. It has undergone numerous episodes of deformation and metamorphism with the ore bodies themselves being strongly folded, faulted and metamorphosed.