Pseudophryne bibronii Click to enlarge image
Bibron's Toadlet u000d New England National Park, New South Wales u000d 30.02 Image: G A Hoye
© Australian Museum

Fast Facts

  • Classification
  • Size Range
    3 cm


A small species of frog reaching up to 3 cm in body length. It has a dark grey, blue-grey or brown back, often with small black spots or patches, also often with a red-orange longitudinal stripe along the lower half. There is sometimes a light brown or pale orange patch on the head. The belly is black, with white mottling. The pupil is horizontal, and the iris is gold. The tops of the arms at the shoulder and the backs of the thighs are yellow, orange, or pale brown-orange. Fingers and toes are unwebbed, both without discs.

Similar Species

Looks similar to Crinia signifera, Pseudophryne dendyi, and Pseudophryne semimarmorata in its distribution, but Crinia signifera lacks bright colours and has horizontal bars on the legs, whilePseudophryne dendyi has brighter yellow on the tops of the arms at the shoulder, and Pseudophryne semimarmorata has a different belly colour and distinct black spots on the back. Also looks similar to Geocrinia laevis, Geocrinia victoriana,Pseudophryne coriacea, and Pseudophryne major in its distribution, but has a different back colour.


Found in most of VIC, the highlands of the ACT, southeast SA, far southeast QLD, and along the coast and ranges of NSW.

Distribution data sourced from the Atlas of Living Australia

Breeding Biology

Eggs are laid as one small cluster on land under moist leaf litter, rocks, logs, and Sphagnum moss. The nest is guarded by the male, as it is with other Pseudophryne species. Tadpoles can reach a total length of up to 3.5 cm, and are dark grey or brown in colour, with black mottling. They are released into water bodies after the nest is flooded by rain, and take four to six months to develop into frogs once released. Breeds during any time of the year after rain.

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