Black-and-white Snapper, Macolor niger (Forsskål, 1775)
Black and White Seaperch, Black and White Snapper, Black Snapper
It looks similar to the Midnight Seaperch, Macolor macularis. The two species can be distinguished by the Midnight Seaperch's yellowish-brown head with bright blue lines and spots.
The Black-and-white Snapper occurs in tropical marine waters of the Indo-West and Central Pacific. They are a prized food fish and are caught both commercially and by recreational fishermen. It is sometimes confused with the Midnight Seaperch.
The Black-and-white Snapper is a moderately elongated fish with a large weakly forked caudal fin. It has many (85-108) long gill rakers that are used to sieve plankton from the water.
It is usually a plain bluish-grey above and paler below. It has dark fins. The head may have a reticulated pattern of pale bluish lines.

A Black-and-white Snapper at a depth of 6m, North Direction Island, Lizard Island, 1 February 2012.
Image: Amanda Hay© Australian Museum
It occurs in tropical marine waters of the Indo-West and Central Pacific.
In Australia it is known from off north-western Western Australia and from the entire length of the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland.
The map below shows the Australian distribution of the species based on public sightings and specimens in Australian Museums. Source: Atlas of Living Australia.
Feeding and diet
The Black-and-white Snapper sieve plankton from the water through their long gill rakers.
- Allen, G.R. 1997. Marine Fishes of Tropical Australia and South-east Asia. Western Australian Museum. Pp. 292.
- Hoese, D.F., Bray, D.J., Paxton, J.R. & G.R. Allen. 2006. Fishes. In Beesley, P.L. & A. Wells. (eds) Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Volume 35. ABRS & CSIRO Publishing: Australia. parts 1-3, pages 1-2178.
- Randall, J.E., Allen, G.R. & R.C. Steene. 1997. Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. Crawford House Press. Pp. 557.