Cultural Collections Enhancement Project Behind the Scenes

Key Info

  • Position Title
    Project Officer (Archaeology)
  • Branch
    Cultural Collections Enhancement
    First Nations

Email Sabrina Baron

Sabrina is an emerging museum professional currently undertaking a Master of Museum and Heritage Studies at the University of Sydney. She has gained diverse experience in the sector, having worked as a Visitor Services Officer at the Powerhouse Museum, a Visitor Experience Host and Digitisation Volunteer at the Australian Museum, and a Curatorial Volunteer at the Chau Chak Wing Museum, where she contributed to the industry-leading Human Remains Research Project which aims to reframe how the museum cares for ancient Egyptian mummified remains in their collection by engaging descent communities and museum visitors. It was through these roles and experiences that Sabrina developed a strong interest in collections and collection management practices.

As a Cultural Collections Enhancement Project Officer (Archaeology), Sabrina works closely with other project officers to register, assess, catalogue and document the Aboriginal Archaeology collection, to address historical legacy issues and ensure the accuracy of museum records under the guidance of the First Nations Division. Sabrina also supports the digitisation, documentation and barcoding of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islands Cultural Collections, Pasifika Cultural Collections, and World Cultures Collections at the Australian Museum.


  • Bachelor of Anthropology (with distinction) - Western Sydney University
  • Master of Museum and Heritage Studies – University of Sydney


  • Baron, S., Adhikari, N., & Humanitarian and Development Research Initiative (HADRI), W. S. U. (2021). Challenging COVID-19 "Infodemic": A Six-Country Comparison. Humanitarian and Development Research Initiative (HADRI), Western Sydney University.