Contact Us at Lizard Island

Office phone | +61 (0)7 4060 3977 |
Visitors' phone | +61 (0)7 4060 3000 |
This phone is mainly used for calling out. It is answered only by arrangement. | |
Mobile | Telstra is the only network that is accessible at Lizard Island. Access at LIRS relies on an antenna that boosts the signal in the main lab area only. A signal is sometimes available elsewhere on the island but it is unreliable. |
LIRS does not have a mobile number. | | | | | | | |
Address | Lizard Island Research Station |
PMB 37 | |
Cairns QLD 4892 | |
Australia | |
Note: The postcode changed from 4870 in 2013. Some web sites do not accept 4892 as valid. In that case, use 4870. | |
Visit | | | |