Presented by Dr Danilo Harms

Museum of Nature Hamburg, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change, Germany; and, 2019/20 AMF/AMRI Visiting Research Fellow. ​​​​​​​

The Sydney funnel-web spider Atrax robustus is an Australian icon and the most venomous spider in the world. This species and its relatives are widely distributed in NSW and VIC but surprisingly little is known about their biology and ecology. Not even the taxonomy is clearly resolved and this has practical implications, i.e., for the production of antivenoms. In an ongoing project, Dr Danilo Harms and collaborators are trying to solve some of the mysteries surrounding these spiders.

In Danilo’s presentation, he will give an update on this project, including some surprising results and plans for the near future. Danilo will also talk about some of his other research projects on our eight-legged friends in Australia and the rest of the world. These include ongoing projects on mesic zone speciation in Australia, palaeontology of amber fossils, monitoring projects in Germany, and conservation projects in Indonesia.