Our Australian Centre for Wildlife Genomics (ACWG) is one of the only wildlife forensics facilities in Australia to be NATA (ISO/IEC 17025) accredited.

Our forensic scope covers the following laboratory protocols:

  • DNA based species identification
  • DNA based gender testing
  • Morphological species identification.

We have experience in obtaining DNA from a range of biological samples including, tissue, bone, desiccated skin, feathers, traditional Chinese medicine and ivory.

Some of our previous clients include:

  • State and Federal Environment Agencies
  • State and Federal Biosecurity Agencies
  • Environmental consulting companies
  • Zoo and Aquarium Association member organisations
  • State Police agencies
  • Animal Industry Welfare Commissions.

  • NATA
    NATA Technical Competence

Contact ACWG

Your contact information will only be used to provide you with updates the Australian Centre for Wildlife Genomics' request and subscribed AM newsletters. Please read the privacy collection notice for more information about how we handle your information.

We also offer commercial molecular diagnostic services in ecological applications such as species identification, individualisation, conservation and small population management, more information on these services can be found Captive and wild population management webpage.