The Australian Museum (AM) announces Brian Hartzer’s reappointment as President of the AM Trust and the appointment of the Hon Carmel Tebbutt as a new Trustee.

Mr Brian Hartzer has been reappointed as President of the AM Trust, and Professor Kathy Belov AO, who serves as the Trustee with knowledge of science and is the Chair of the AM’s Science Advisory Committee, has also been reappointed. The AM Trust has farewelled Shauna Jarrett, who leaves after six and a half years of outstanding service.

The Hon Carmel Tebbutt, currently CEO of Odyssey House NSW and the former NSW Deputy Premier, is a new appointment to the AM Trust.

Brian Hartzer, Australian Museum Trust President, welcomed Ms Tebbutt, saying she would add significantly to the strength of the AM.

"We are pleased to welcome the Hon Carmel Tebbutt at this exciting time for the Australian Museum. With considerable experience in education, mental health advocacy and as a former NSW Deputy Premier and Minister across Health, Education and Community Services portfolios, Ms Tebbutt will contribute valuable perspectives to the AM’s mission,” Brian Hartzer said.

Kim McKay AO, Director and CEO of the Australian Museum, thanked all the Trustees for their important contributions, insights and guidance.

“As we embark on planning for the future, including the 200th anniversary of the AM in 2027, we are very grateful for the continued guidance of Brian Hartzer as Trust President and Professor Belov who chairs the AM Science Advisory Committee. Shauna Jarrett has been a great contributor to the AM Trust and we thank her for her commitment,” Kim McKay said.

The AM's Trustees for 2024 are: Brian Hartzer (President), Emeritus Professor Shirley Alexander AM, Distinguished Professor Larissa Behrendt AO, Professor Kathy Belov AO, Maile Carnegie, Brett Clegg, Jennifer Dalitz, David Feetham, Josephine Sukkar AM and Carmel Tebbutt.

Learn more about the AM's Trustees at

About the Australian Museum

The Australian Museum (AM) was founded in 1827 and is the nation’s first museum. It is internationally recognised as a natural science and culture institution focused on Australia and the Pacific. The AM’s mission is to ignite wonder, inspire debate and drive change. The AM’s vision is to be a leading voice for the richness of life, the Earth and culture in Australia and the Pacific. The AM commits to transforming the conversation around climate change, the environment and wildlife conservation; to being a strong advocate for First Nations cultures; and to continuing to develop world-leading science, collections, exhibitions and education programs. With 22 million objects and specimens and the Australian Museum Research Institute (AMRI), the AM is not only a dynamic source of reliable scientific information on some of the most pressing environmental and social challenges facing our region, but also an important site of cultural exchange and learning.

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E Claire.Vince@Australian.Museum