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Barka: The Forgotten River unit this unit to deepen your knowledge and understanding of the Barka (Darling River).
How we are Unsettled: Unit of work our smartboard-ready unit of work to engage in the themes, stories and artworks of Unsettled, with embedded activities, videos and worksheets.
Unsettled: Primary unit our unit to engage with the Australian Museum’s exhibition Unsettled and explore the ways we understand, remember and acknowledge our shared past in Australia.
Unsettled: Art-focus unit this unit to engage with the themes of Unsettled and learn about the artworks and artists that make up the exhibition.
Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru
Now open
Tickets on sale -
Future Now
Touring exhibition
On now -
Permanent education space
10am - 4.30pm -
Permanent exhibition
Open daily