• Audience
    Secondary school, Teachers
  • Learning stage
    Stage 6
  • Learning area
  • Type
    Learning unit, Learning resources

On this page...

This unit provides a scaffolded approach to examining the New Kingdom Egypt society during the Ramesside period topic in the Ancient History Stage 6 Syllabus. Each activity will direct you to a section of the activity booklet (which is available in the unit below) and will guide you through a range of syllabus dot points and exhibition objects. You can download the whole booklet to use in class or access each activity individually from the Ramses learning resources page.

Make sure you read the learning intentions and success criteria attached to each activity and use them to reflect on your work.

  • Before your visit

    • Acknowledgement of Country

      Gadigal Shield and Statement of Reflection

      Learn about the importance of an Acknowledgement of Country, and write one for your school.

      Item type
      For students
      10-15 min to complete
      Content Summary
      First Nations activity
      Mapping activity
    • Why you should use this resource

      Ramses the Great and the Gold of the Pharaohs exhibition

      Designed for Option B: New Kingdom Egypt society during the Ramesside period in the Ancient History Stage 6 Syllabus.

      Item type
      For teachers
      5 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Downloadable worksheet
    • Brainstorm

      The facade of the Great Temple of Ramses II, Abu Simbel, Aswan.

      Using Abu Simbel as a case study, discuss how we can measure the success of a society through the construction of its monuments.

      Item type
      For students
      10-15 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Literacy activty
    • Activity one: Geographical context

      Archaeology of Ancient Egypt site.

      Use sources to analyse the importance of the Nile to Egyptian society.

      Item type
      For students
      15-20 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Mapping activity
      Downloadable worksheet
      HSC aligned
    • Activity two: Roles and images of the pharaoh and the concept of maat

      Ramses the Great and the Gold of the Pharaohs exhibition.

      During New Kingdom Egypt, the pharaoh was both a representative of the gods and the head of state, wielding absolute authority. How did they construct their image to reinforce this power?

      Item type
      For students
      10-15 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Literacy activty
      Downloadable worksheet
      HSC aligned
    • Activity three: Role of the vizier, members of government and the army

      Ramses Kooringal High School A Day at the Museum visit

      In this activity, students will research the roles in New Kingdom Society by finding a translation of the 'Instruction of Rekhmire' and then complete source work on the elites and military.

      Item type
      For students
      30-45 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Research project
      Downloadable worksheet
      Formative assessment
      HSC aligned
    • Activity four: Role and status of women

      Ramses the Great and the Gold of the Pharaohs exhibition

      What can sources tell us about the roles and status of women in New Kingdom society?

      Item type
      For students
      15-30 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Downloadable worksheet
      Formative assessment
      HSC aligned
    • Activity five: Scribes and artisans

      Ancient cuneiform tablet of Egyptian–Hittite peace treaty (Treaty of Kadesh) in Istanbul Archaeology Museum. 1300–1200 B.C (detail).

      Scribes played an important role in the Ramesside period, employed across the government including temples, the palace complex and in the military. They also liked to doodle!

      Item type
      For students
      10-15 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Research project
      Downloadable worksheet
      HSC aligned
    • Activity six: The importance of the Nile and agricultural workers

      Ramses programs - Painting from the Tomb of Sennedjem, Deir el Medina, 19th Dynasty

      You have already considered the importance of the Nile to New Kingdom Egypt Society. In this activity you will consider the role it played in supporting the economy of Egypt during the Ramesside period.

      Item type
      For students
      15-30 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Research project
      Formative assessment
      HSC aligned
    • Activity seven: Occupations and technological development

      Ramses the Great and the Gold of the Pharaohs exhibition

      Use the sources in your booklet to analyse the importance of crafts, industries and technology employed by workers during New Kingdom Egypt.

      Item type
      For students
      10-15 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Downloadable worksheet
      HSC aligned
    • Activity eight: Religion, death and burial

      Ramses programs - Painting from the Tomb of Sennedjem, Deir el Medina, 19th Dynasty

      Religion during the Ramesside Period was a fundamental aspect of Egyptian culture, governance, and daily life.

      Item type
      For students
      45-60 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Literacy activty
      Downloadable worksheet
      Formative assessment
      HSC aligned
    • Activity nine: Temples

      Ramses programs banner: detail of hieroglyphs in Karnak, Luxor Egypt

      Using a layout of Sennedjem's tomb and your own research, compare and contrast the Karnak temple complex and the Ramesseum.

      Item type
      For students
      15-30 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Research project
      Downloadable worksheet
      HSC aligned
    • Activity ten: Cultural and everyday life

      Statue of Queen Tuya in Ramses the Great and the Gold of the Pharaohs exhibition.

      Learn how art and culture served important political functions in New Kingdom Egypt.

      Item type
      For students
      10-15 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Downloadable worksheet
      Formative assessment
      HSC aligned
  • At the Museum

  • After your visit

    • Object story

      Necklace with falcon heads and counterweights of Princess Neferuptah

      If an object could speak, what kind of story might it tell?

      Item type
      For students
      10-15 min to complete
      Content Summary
      First Nations activity
      Literacy activty
      Formative assessment
    • Guiding questions

      School students look at a museum display

      Reflect on the exhibition sheets and any objects you noticed from your visit to Ramses & the Gold of the Pharaohs.

      Item type
      For students
      10-15 min to complete
    • Objects and the syllabus

      Ramses holding the Heka scepter in Ramses & the Gold of the Pharaohs exhibition.

      In groups, build on your guiding questions and create a presentation that justifies why certain objects are relevant to the syllabus.

      Item type
      Group project
      15-30 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Summative assessment
      HSC aligned
    • HSC essay practice

      Ramses programs, Egypt in Conversation - Painting from the Tomb of Sennedjem, Deir el Medina, 19th Dynasty (detail)

      The final step in this journey is to bring together your knowledge from the booklet, your visit to Ramses & the Gold of the Pharaohs and work you have completed in class to practice your essay writing.

      Item type
      For students
      45-60 min to complete
      Content Summary
      Literacy activty
      Summative assessment
      HSC aligned