Samantha Ordóñez-Flores
I am a Mexican biologist who loves herpetofauna. My research interests include bioacoustics, ecology, behaviour, and conservation of all herps but mostly frogs. Currently, I am a PhD student at the UNSW under Dr. Jodi Rowley´s supervision.
Before coming to Australia, I completed a Bachelor´s Degree in Biology (Honours) and a Master´s Degree in Biological Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). During my undergrad I studied a semester abroad in the University of California – Santa Cruz where I was field assistant at the Sinervo Lab of Herpetology. During my master I had the chance to conduct field work in Mesoamerica where I studied the multilevel geographic variation of the red eyed-tree frog, Agalychnis taylori in southeast of Mexico and the vocal activity patterns of the endangered Golfo Dulcean Poison Frog, Phyllobates vittatus, in the Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica.
As a hobby and side career, I enjoy scientific and scicom illustration. I like to help people approach to biodiversity through art. I am also an outdoor enthusiast and won´t say no to a hike, especially night walks! Besides, I love learning new stuff (sewing, cooking, climbing) and going for a swim.
Master in Biological Sciences (Honours) (Ecology), Faculty of Sciences, UNAM, Mexico (2023).
Bachelor’s in Biology (Honours), Faculty of Sciences, UNAM, Mexico (2019).
- Ordóñez-Flores S., Fuentes de la Rosa D.L., Zamudio Torres T.V., Serrano-Serrano J.M.and Ochoa-Ochoa L.M. (In press). Aprendiendo a escuchar: lo que los sonidos nos dicen del ambiente y la salud. Ecofronteras, ECOSUR.
- Ordóñez-Flores S., Ibarra-Reyes, A.A. and Ochoa, Ochoa L.M. (2023). What do we know about the advertisement call of the Mexican anurans? A bibliographic review. Bioacoustics.
- Mendoza-Henao, A.M., Ordóñez-Flores, S., Dena, S., Toledo, L.F., Guayasamin, J.M., Franco Mena, D., and Acevedo- Charry, O. 2021. Un llamado neotropical: repositorios acústicos de la herpetología latinoamericana. Revista Latinoamericana de Herpetología.
- Zamudio Torres, T.V., Fuentes de la Rosa, D.L., and Ordóñez-Flores, S. (2020). La colección de sonidos de anuros del Museo de Zoología “Alfonso L. Herrera” de la Facultad de Ciencias. Revista Latinoamericana de Herpetología.
- Fuentes de la Rosa, D.L., Ochoa Ochoa, L.M., Ordóñez-Flores, S., and Zamudio Torres, T.V. (2020) ¡Croac! La primera biblioteca de sonidos de anfibios de México. Ciencia y Más. Número 02, Año 01. Especial Mujeres en la Ciencia. México.