Dr Anne Hoggett AM
Anne Hoggett and her husband Lyle Vail are joint Directors of the Australian Museum’s Lizard Island Research Station (LIRS). Together, they develop and manage the internationally-renown coral reef research facility on the northern Great Barrier Reef.
Since starting at LIRS in 1990, the couple has comprehensively redeveloped LIRS and markedly increased its scientific productivity. Raising funds to enable such things is an important part of their work.
Anne’s background is as a taxonomist specializing in echinoderms. With collaborators, she initiated Lizard Island Field Guide and continues to expand it. The many joys of running LIRS include living at the cutting edge of coral reef research, helping young scientists attain their goals in the field, and maintaining close contact with the Lizard Island Reef Research Foundation.
PhD, University of Queensland
BSc Hons, University of New South Wales
Adjunct Research Fellow, James Cook University