Presented by Anne M. Musser1,2, Tom Grant3 and Eren Turak4

1Jenolan Caves Reserve Trust; 2Research Associate, Australian Museum; 3University of New South Wales; 4NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Recorded Wednesday 12 April 2023

The 2019-2020 bushfire followed by two major flood events severely impacted Jenolan Karst Conservation Reserve. Hillside vegetation was destroyed, and gravel and rocks partially filled the Blue Lake after both floods, reducing Platypus foraging habitat. The team conducted a Platypus monitoring study before, during and after subsequent draining, excavation and refilling of the Blue Lake, with partial restoration of mixed benthic substrate to facilitate reoccupation by macroinvertebrate prey.

The team recorded strong site attachment to the Blue Lake and Jenolan River; movements through and over infrastructure such as culverts, pipes and drainage holes; movements around waterfalls and weirs; and some early recolonization of the modified Lake bottom by macroinvertebrate prey. Despite disturbances, there was at least one successful local breeding event in the 2020-2021 breeding season. Although a Platypus population will likely remain part of JKCR’s biodiversity, numbers are low and challenges are ongoing. Future extreme weather events could possibly modify the system beyond what would support a viable Platypus population into the future. Planned monitoring studies should allow more accurate predictions for the future of this population to be made.