Asaro collection from Papua New Guinea

In 2016 through the support of the Australian Museum Foundation, Senior Pacific Collection Officer, Yvonne Carillo-Huffman, traveled to the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea to work with members of Komunive village on an important project. Not only was the Australian Museum acquiring over a dozen mud masks and other pieces but, perhaps more importantly, an ongoing dialogue began, resulting in a sharing of knowledge and resources that continues to this day.
Intangible heritage is a phrase for the oral histories, the stories, the dances, the musics, performances and knowledge that resides in the spirits and minds of communities, and the people of Kominive village in the Asaro valley are very generous in sharing their heritage.
In late 2016 several representatives from Konumive came to the museum to deliver a series of performances and workshops for children. Both the workshop and performances were a great success in particular the workshop where kids got to make their on masks alongside Komunive mask makers. In the video below mask makers Jim Gahiye and Amos Emamoi explain how they make the masks and the importance of the masks to their culture
This slideshow displays a selection of the masks, small figurines and some of the performances and workshops held at the museum.