Meredith Lynch Underwood, Digitisation Manager, Cultural Collections, Archives & Library at the Australian Museum

Key Info

  • Position Title
    Digitisation Manager, Cultural Collections, Archives & Library
  • Branch
    Digitisation, Cultural Collections
    First Nations

Email Meredith Lynch Underwood

Meredith joins the Australian Museum’s Collection Enhancement Project as the Digitisation Manager, Cultural Collections, Archives & Library and will oversee the Digitisation and Collections Enhancement for the following collections: First Nations; Pasifika; Archaeology; World Collections, Library and Archives in partnership with Collection Managers.

Meredith joins the AM after undertaking a similar role leading the Collection Digitisation Project at the Powerhouse Museum. Prior to that appointment Meredith lead the Powerhouse Museum Special Collections team. Meredith is a Collection Manager, Project Manager, Arts Administrator and People Leader with many years of experience leading world class cultural projects across digitisation, collection care, collection management, conservation, collection relocation, display and exhibitions, audits and more.

In her earlier work with International Conservation Services she ran hundreds of projects for a long list of clients including National Museum Australia, Create NSW, Reserve Bank of Australia, Artbank, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, National Trust Australia NSW, City of Sydney, Brisbane City Council, Old Parliament House, Mosman Art Gallery, Department of Attorney General, Brisbane City Council, Ryde Hospital, Australian Council for the Arts, Western Sydney Local Health District and more.


  • MVA, BVA Fine Arts (Hons 1), Grad Cert Arts Admin