Volunteer from home on DigiVol Online
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It's a transport to a world which I couldn't physically be part of - an adventure in science and beauty, intellect and emotion, imagination and real facts. Julia Brougham, DigiVol Online Volunteer
Our DigiVol Online volunteers make the vital contributions of transcribing text from images of specimen labels, field notes and archival material that have been uploaded to the DigiVol website.
Volunteering online is a great way to join the community and contribute your skills without the requirement of being onsite. This is a perfect option for people who don't reside in Sydney, those with mobility requirements, students, the time-poor and the night owls!
Share your progress, track your contributions, chat with other DigiVols and be rewarded for hitting new goals in our lively community of DigiVol staff and citizen scientists.
Frequently Asked Questions
Volunteers join virtual expeditions from institutions around the world, including the Australian Museum. You can transcribe (type out) content contained in collection labels, historical documents or even identify animals. By transcribing you are helping to make natural history collections more accessible for scientific and cultural research.
When you join an Australian Museum expedition you will transcribe information from the Australian Museum’s collections. Once you have transcribed this information it is then checked by our advanced validator volunteers as part of our quality assurance. The transcribed information is then imported to the Australian Museum’s Collection database. and where appropriate made available through the Atlas of Living Australia.
There is no prior knowledge or skills required to volunteer at DigiVol.org. If you are a history buff, nature lover, want to get up close and personal with museum collections then this is a great online role for you!
DigiVol.org operates 24/7. You can help transcribe collections online anywhere and anytime!
Each project has a specific tutorial that gives detailed descriptions of your tasks as an online volunteer for each expedition.
There is also an Australian Museum DigiVol Online team, and online forum where you can ask for support when needed.