Blog archive:
August 2014
Urban real estate guide for empty nesters
A new survey of tree hollows and their occupants points to a competitive housing market for urban wildlife
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How DNA Sampling is helping the Aviation Industry
Wildlife strikes (aka birdstrikes and airstrikes) are common at airports all over the world. Our new video is helping to manage the risk.
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Our Global Neighbours: Pieces from La Ferrassie
The role of a French Palaeolithic site in the story of human evolution
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Manta alfredi: Krefft’s Devil Ray
In 1868 Prince Alfred visited the colony, falling victim to a murder attempt. Surviving, his name was patron to a new species of Manta Ray.
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Can seaworms help develop marine parks?
The distribution of seaworms may help identify which marine areas warrant higher levels of protection
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A new name and a new direction for our scientific research
A wonderful speech by Professor Merlin Crossley capped off the official launch of the Australian Museum Research Institute (AMRI) last week.
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Capitalism, Cities and the Theory of Evolution
How humanities influenced the central idea in evolution.
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Tim Flannery - a lifetime of achievement
The Australian Museum Research Institute (AMRI) honours Inaugural Lecturer, Professor Tim Flannery, with a Lifetime Achivement Award.
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Culture and meaning
Two young interns from Indonesia provide insights into the Museum’s cultural collections.
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Fish Tongue Biters: more than just one of a kind
Meet Smenispa irregularis, one of more than 100 different species of crustacean isopods found lurking in the mouths of fishes.
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Science Festival buzzes
Eating crickets, knitting neurons and cuddling a dinosaur can mean only one thing: the launch of the Australian Museum Science Festival.
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Great White crosses the Tasman
The latest arrival from sea - a White Shark named Pip has crossed the Tasman.